9 of 12 products

Bayou Legacy

Here you'll find game calls designed to improve your success in the field.  Whether you're after duck, deer, or coon... we've got a call to suit you.

Woodhaven Scott Ellis New Energy

7X Florida State Champion and 2X Grand National Champion, Scott Ellis, has built his excitement into his signature call. The Scott Ellis signature call is a 3 reed “V” or “Vyper” cut with yellow latex as the top reed and black latex as the two bottom reeds. It is high..

WoodHaven Dagger

The Dagger, designed by Scott Ellis, is a three reed, split v /side cut hybrid call.  The Dagger consists of a red top reed . 004 over two reeds of natural .003. The Dagger call has the ability to create all turkey sounds loud and soft with minimal effort. The..

Woodhaven Red Vyper

The Red Vyper is a 3 reed call with our famous red latex as a top reed, clear latex as a middle reed, and black latex as a bottom reed. A classic “V” cut call with the tips of the side wings nipped to create our “Vyper” cut. The yelps have been..

Woodhaven Red Ghost

WoodHaven’s Red Ghost is a 3 reed call with our famous red latex as a top reed, clear latex as a middle reed, and black latex as a bottom reed. We may have created the best kee-kee call of all time with this call! The Red Ghost has tremendous range and control,..

Doug Crabtree Signature Series

10X Ohio State Calling Champion Doug Crabtree designed this ultra thin 3 reed prophylactic call with an inverted combo cut.  Very easy to blow; from clear to raspy tones.

Woodhaven Copperhead II

WoodHaven’s CopperHead II diaphragm call features a special YELLOW latex combination with a ‘snake tongue combo cut’ making it great for raspy yelps, excited cutting, hard or soft clucks, and hitting the high notes.

Woodhaven Yellow Hammer

The “YellowHammer”, designed by Mike Pentecost, is the first “hammer’ cut call made of all premium prophylactic reed material.  It is a 3 reed “lite” call with the popular hammer cut from Woodhaven   The YellowHammer will do it all with very little air and has that signature proph tone that..

Woodhaven Red Ninja Power V

The “RED Ninja Power V” by WoodHaven Custom Calls is a 3 reed call (top RED reed over two proph reeds)designed with our classic V-cut.   The “RED Ninja Power V” offers the ultimate in versatility!  The “RED NinjaPower V” easily produces a raspy tone which is perfect in producing those..

Woodhaven Equalizer

The Equalizer, designed by Billy Yargus, has a .004 yellow top reed over two reeds of proph and .003 latex. This call is designed to give hunters the ability to get raspy and loud, quiet for those softer tree yelps, and easily makes raspy cutts, cackles, and assembly yelps.

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9 of 12 products